What is a COP?
COP stands for Conference of the Parties, the annual meeting of countries that have ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
This Convention is an international treaty that was signed during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, known as the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. COP28 is the 28th meeting of the parties of the convention, hosted in the United Arab Emirates in Dubai.
Trentino Delegation in Dubai
Every year since 2012, a Trentino delegation has been present at the conferences of the parties. For COP28, a team of 10 young people and experts will actively follow the scheduled events and contribute articles and information material to document what is happening at the conference in Dubai.
This participation is an integral part of a project supported by the Provincial Agency for Environmental Protection (Agenzia Provinciale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente – APPA) and the Viração&Jangada Association, with the support of the Cassa Centrale – Credito Cooperativo Italiano Bank Group and the Jean Monnet European Centre of the University of Trento, in collaboration with MUSE, the Italian Climate Network and the Italian Association for Media and Communication Education.
Shaping the financial system
The discussions on climate finance at COP28 are a major opportunity to look at the overall economic picture.
The existing financial mechanisms have not yet led to the goal of USD 100 billion per year to be paid to the poorest countries to reduce emissions and contribute to their climate adaptation.
Speeding up decarbonisation
COP28 can reach consensus on a declaration to phase-out fossil fuels.
Agreement on this declaration at a COP led by a CEO of the oil and gas industry would give a strong signal of commitment to the transition by governments.
Resilience and regeneration
During COP27, the International Loss and Damage Fund was established. This year, the diplomatic task is to make it operational. Key questions must be answered: where is it, how does it work, who finances it and who benefits from it?