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Embassy of Interspecies Diplomacies

Earth Outlasts Empires

11 La terra dura di più degli imperi - immagine pulita

A site-specific installation curated by Mali Weil that tells the story of how Interspecies Diplomacies are reshaping planetary ecologies, caring for the relationships between humans and other-than-humans.

The exhibition investigates the relationships between living and non-living organisms that have co-evolved on planet Earth and explores the role of culture, science, art, law and fiction in constructing new forms of cohabitation, negotiation and conflict resolution.

A project curated by Mali Weil, realised in collaboration with School of Interspecies Diplomacies and Werewolfish Studies, and commissioned by MUSE as part of the Anthropocene programme.

🗓️ Public event

Stay tuned for the call for participation and the public event in February. This event is organised in collaboration with the School of Interspecies Diplomacy and Werewolfish Studies.


Mali Weil

Mali Weil is an artistic platform established by Elisa Di Liberato, Lorenzo Facchinelli and Mara Ferrieri. Their visual production ranges from performance to speculative design, from editorial products to cinema, but also through curatorial projects and workshops, engage with the politics, poetics and imaginaries of law, the environment and the other-than-human.

  • Learn about the MUSE Anthropocene programme
  • Get to know the MUSE Agora project
  • Watch the album on Flickr

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