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LIFE WolfAlps EU Final Event

Wolf Day

1920x1080 Immagine-3_19 maggio

A day dedicated to families with activities from 0 to 99 years of age: workshops, talks, book presentations, exhibitions and theatre performances, as well as presentation of anti-poison, prevention and guard dog activities.

For the day, the cost of the museum entrance ticket will be reduced to €9.

Cover photo by André Roveyaz and Francesco Guffanti

Find out about the programme



🇬🇧 Activieties held in english

From 10.30 to 19
Institutional stands

📍Floor 0

At 10.45 am | Aula Fossey
Guess who?

Learning about large carnivores by working with biological materials and replicas. Through the handling of 3D skull prints, foot casts, skins, replicas of faeces, etc., participants will learn about the characteristics of bears, lynxes and wolves and how to study species in nature.

By Vesna Mihelič Oražem e Maja Sever, Slovenia Forest Service

Target 6+
🎟 Book your place on Ticketlandia   

At 12 am | Aula Fossey
Walk in my shoes

A coexistence role-play activity to learn about challenging coexistence.

A cura di Vesna Mihelič Oražem e Maja Sever, Slovenia Forest Service

Target 14+
🎟  Book your place on Ticketlandia

📍Floor 1

From 10 am to 7 pm | Sala Margherita Hack


Video insights into the Life WolfAlps EU project and the wolf.

By Life WolfAlps EU Project

From 10 am to 7 pm

Depero for coexistence

Originality and creativity of young artists who become communicators for their citizens of their idea of coexistence with wildlife.

Curated by Pams Foundation, drawings by students of the Liceo Artistico Depero in Rovereto (TN)

Il lupo e noi. Conoscere per coesistere

A photographic journey born of a search for invisible traces, long waits and silent conversations with the Alpine landscape.

Curated by Io non ho paura del lupo APS, photos by André Roveyaz and Francesco Guffanti

From 10 am to 7 pm | Aula FabLab est
Stand stewardship, supporter e collaborations

With Io non ho paura del lupo APS, WWF Trentino, Associazione Cacciatori Trentini, SAT, La Ventura, Escursioni Liguria, Progetto Pasturs Eliante, DifesaAttiva, Dina Pivka, LifeStock Project


📍Floor 3

From 10 am to 1 pm e from 2 pm to 6.30 pm | Exhibition halls
The wolf games

Card games and small dioramas to learn about the biology and ethology of the wolf, understand the impact of predation on domestic flocks and the situation of breeders, and how to deal with livestock guarding dogs.

Curated by Rachel Berzins, Mercantour-Nationalpark

📍MUSE Garden

From 10 to 19
A flock in the garden

Meet a shepherd, his sheep and his dogs.

With Ivan Zanoni, shepherd of Malga Tuena

At 11 am and 2 pm
Anti-poison Dog Units

Demonstration of anti-poison dog units, from puppy training to lifesaver.

With Mauro Fissore e Mattia Colombo Ente di Gestione delle Aree Protette Alpi Marittime, Paolo Tavelli Provincia di Brescia, Andrea Giacchino Regione Liguria, Luca Da Roit Arma dei Carabinieri CUFA, Theresa Walter Università di Medicina Veterinaria di Vienna, Carlo Geymonat Città Metropolitana di Torino

From 3 pm to 5 pm
Livestock guarding dogs

Livestock guarding dogs: how they behave, how to behave.

With Monica Fedel shepherd of Fattoria Cheyenne e Giulia Bombieri MUSE

🗓 LIFE WolfAlps EU Final Event

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