MyMUSE membership
MyMUSE is our membership offer to make you feel at home. It is your way of experiencing the museum, it reflects your needs and interests, it guarantees you unlimited admission for one year and many leisure benefits.
Buy membership in the museum or on ticketlandia.com
Any question? Write us at museinfo@muse.it
Choose the membership card that’s right for you
Family & Friends
The card for those who want to experience the museum together with their family and friends.
Valid for 3 adults + max. 5 minors
Cost: 55 €
The card can only be in the name of one person (adult or minor). In addition to the holder’s data, we will ask you for the names of the whole family.
Discover the benefits

Young & Free
The card for young people.
Valid for 1 person < 35
Cost: 25 €
The card can only be in the name of one person.
Discover the benefitsScience addicted
The card for those who love science.
Valid for max. 2 persons
Cost 40€
The card can only be in the name of one person.
Discover the benefits

Dedicated to those who want to forge a unique bond with MUSE, to support science, nature and culture.
Valid for max. 2 people
Cost 100 €
The card can only be in the name of one person (> 18)
Discover the benefitsIndividual membership supporters
Edoardo de Abbondi
Flavia Bomelli
Pamela J.C. Haines-Murano
Ottavia Fior Maccagnola
Federico Chera
Fiorenza Lipparini
Paolo Cavagnoli
Andrea Cavagnoli
Francesco Cavagnoli
Denise Mosconi
Paola Vicini Conci
Marco Giovannini
Giulia Pilati
William Pilati
Gabriel Pilati