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Whether it’s for a quick lunch break or an aperitif with friends, the MUSE Cafè will make you feel at home.
Watch visitors as they come and go and listen to the excited laughter of kids in the rooms.
Sit at an outdoor table and enjoy a view of the vegetable gardens and Palazzo delle Albere.

At the MUSE Café you will find low-environmental-impact products as close to zero food miles as possible between producer and consumer. This is why it can boast the Ecoristorazione Trentino logo.

And finally, enjoy a fragrant coffee from La Reserva de Tierra and discover the cooperation and sustainability projects supported by the Lavazza Foundation.

Opening times

Open every day

Monday: 8.00 am-4.00 pm
Tuesday to Friday
: 8.00 am-7.00 pm
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 9.00 am-8.00 pm


Following competitive comparison, the MUSE Café is currently managed by Compass Group Italia.

Via A. Scarsellini, 14 – 20161 Milano (MI)
+39 02480531

Concessions, vouchers and discounts

You can pay with Blueticket and Up Day vouchers.
If you have a MyMUSE Card, you get 10% discount.

Check out the menu

  • Visit the website

🍎 A bite at the exhibition “Food Sound. The hidden sound of food”

Take a seat and put the headphones on. What do you hear? Enjoy a little taste of the exhibition Food Sound. The hidden sound of food.

Sustainability Partner

Official Partner

Experience Partner