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7-11 May 2017 – Poster al SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting
Pescatore T., F. Bellamoli, V. Di Nica, F. Miari, S. Villa and V. Lencioni, 2017 – Behavioural effects of pesticides and pharmaceuticals on chironomid larvae (Diamesa zernyi) from a glacier-fed stream. 7-11 maggio 2017: SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting “Environmental quality through transdisciplinary collaboration”, Brussels. Abstract book: 239. 2-4 luglio 2017 – Comunicazione orale al 20th International Symposium on Chironomidae, 2-8 July, 2017, MUSE – Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy: Lencioni V., F. Bellamoli, P. Bernabò, F. Miari, A. Scotti, 2017 – Response of Diamesa spp. from glacier-fed streams to temperature variations, emerging contaminants and pesticides. In: Lencioni V. (ed.), 2017, 20th International Symposium on Chironomidae. Abstract Book of the 20th International Symposium on Chironomidae, 2-8 July, 2017, MUSE – Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy. 110 pp; p. 46.

2-4 July 2017 – Poster al 20th International Symposium on Chironomidae, 2-8 July, 2017
Villa S., T. Pescatore, F. Bellamoli, V. Di Nica, V. Lencioni, 2017 – Behavioural effects of emerging contaminants and pesticides on Diamesa zernyi from a glacier-fed stream. In: Lencioni V. (ed.), 2017, 20th International Symposium on Chironomidae. Abstract Book of the 20th International Symposium on Chironomidae, 2-8 July, 2017, MUSE – Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy. 110 pp; p. 99.

12-15 September 2017 – Comunication at Convegno della Società Italiana di Ecologia, Napoli
Villa S., Di Nica V., Pescatore T., Bellamoli F., Finizio A., Lencioni V., 2017 – Comparison of the behavioural effects of pharmaceuticals and pesticides on Diamesa zernyi larvae (chironomid). S.It.E., Convegno della Società Italiana di Ecologia, Napoli, 12-15 settembre 2017. Abstract book: 84.

13-18 May 2018 – Poster al SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting
Di Nica V., Lencioni V., Bellamoli F., Pescatore T., Ferrario C., Villa S., 2018 – Urban sewage effluents into an alpine stream: are information on behavioural effects on Daphnia magna suitable to protect alpine cold adapted species? SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting “Responsible and Innovative Research for Environmental Quality”, 13-17 May 2018 Rome. CONTROL ID: 44048.

12-14 September 2018: Proposal for Special Session at the Congress SITE 2018
coordinata da Sara Villa e Valeria Lencioni (in coll. Con Antonio Finizio Andrea Binelli): Ecotossicologia e stress ecology nella valutazione del rischio ambientale [verranno dedicati più lavori ai risultati del Progetto RACE-TN], Cagliari